spro "full" ?? in production?? Do you really know what that means? Spro is just a tree. Its buttons mostly open tables using SM30, or call variant transactions to execute something.
If someone wants "full" access to spro in production, which I find ridiculous, then tell them to use a Firefighter or some other logged method to temporarily escalate their privileges.
if someone wants "spro display" then that is also folly. They need to tell you the specific actions they want to display (which again are probably just tables with SM30) and you can give access using s_tabu_nam for those specific tables. If they tell you "I don't know what I need in spro" then reject their request as unclear. it's like saying "give me all access to accounts payable. i don't know what exactly I'll do so give me everything just in case. oh, and its urgent too". it's ridiculous.
for those rare activities that need to be performed directly in production, figure out what they are in QA, and give those specific tcodes in a manual-config role to the specific person doing the config.