User is going into VA03. entering a sales order number but instead of hitting enter, is going it to the top menu, selecting Environment and then changes. When the screen appears, they are selecting time of change and getting not authorized.
When I look at SU53 for them I see
Authorization check failed
Object Class SD Sales and Distribution
Authorization Obj. V_VBAK_VKO Sales Document: Authorization for Sales Areas
Authorization Field ACTVT Activity
Authorization Field SPART Division
' '
Authorization Field VKORG Sales Organization
' '
Authorization Field VTWEG Distribution Channel
' '
How would I set the display role for this transaction up to allow me to put in blanks for the division, Sales Org, and Distribution Channel since that is what comes back for this sales order after it has been deleted.
Is there a different transaction that they should be using to see this info?
Obviously SAP_ALL will give me the info, but I do not want the user to have that authority.