I am sorry to ask again - but Batch Input has no direct relation to S_BTCH_JOB, that was why I was asking.
Batch Input online sessions in SM35 can be controlled via S_BDC_MONI and it's possibilites by using a naming concept in field BDCGROUPID and the options in field BDCAKTI, which includes ABTC (process Batch Input session). You can process the defined input online and in background.
Batch Jobs SM36/SM37 are related to specific reports and and a variant of them, you define them in each step. access can be controlled via S_BTCH_JOB as well as other objects like S_BTCH_ADM (consider option C for copy of jobs from template users but never Y for end users!) or S_BTCH_NAM. It is possible to schedule jobs online in dialog mode and for background processing.
So if you want to restrict SM35 access on each session then your only option to control access to listed sessions in the transaction SM35 from my point of view is S_BDC_MONI and a naming convention. Online / dialog input is controlled via AONL and analysis / protocol lookup via ANAL. The values are available in the documentation of the object. As far as I know there are no other options / workarounds to restrict the access in SM35 if we are not talking about Batch Jobs.