If you can assign the job to a job group, you can restrict the authorizations with object S_BTCH_JOB
Background processing: Operations on background jobs consists of the following fields:
- Functions: Operations the user is allowed to perform.
- Possible values are:
- DELE: Delete background jobs of other users.
- LIST: Display spool requests created by jobs of other users.
- Note: To guarantee the security of confidential data in spool requests via spool output control, you must protect confidential spool requests via the spool authorization field. A user with the
- System functionsSP01
- authorization may display all spool requests.
- PROT: Display processing logs created by the jobs of other users.
- RELE: Release own jobs automatically during scheduling.
- SHOW: Display definition (start/output specifications, steps) and details of a job scheduled by another user.
- Job group: Names of permitted job groups. Reserved: Set to *.
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