Hi SAP Gurus,
I am looking for logs concerning central user administration (CUA).
My problem in short:
We had two CUA.
We want to migrate them to a single CUA.
During the migration process, SAP not all roles where transferred.
The user account names on the new CUA are the same, as on the old CUA.
As we had to focus on restoring the system, we did not focusing on documentation the errors.
We had to restore the clients user/roles, of the effected client system, with client copy tools.
Now want to understand what was not working and having a hard time to find the logs to check, or don’t find anything useful in the know logs.
Now we need to track down, what went wrong, so we are not guessing.
SAP System Log does not help here, at least there was nothing written into it.
We looked at all logs, that SAP note 333441 documents, but the failure happened, when we try to connect to the new CUA and upload the users. Here we don't find any logs so far, so understand what went wrong.
Where is CUA written its information, during migration process (disconnect client from CUA, connect it back to new CUA)?
Effected system:
CUA OLD = SAP SolutionManger 7.01 based on Oracle/Windows (old system)
CUA NEW = SAP SolutionManger 7.02 based on Oracle/Windows (new system)
CUA Client = ECC 6.0 7.00 based on Oracle/Windows
Thanks for your hints.
Best regards
Carlos Behlau