The SAP_BC_DWB_WBDISPLAY is ABAP display only I think (pls correct me if I'm wrong) and this will give to little authorizations to display in production for them.
We used the display roles in production that we have created per module (FI, MM, et cetera). and assigned them to one composite display role.
The template roles can be a good start for the non production systems, but in our case they where to limited and they needed more authorizations, also for the functional modules. So we ended up creating a new developer composite role that was a combination of the basic ABAPdeveloper role with additional functional roles.
The result is that they have many authorizations in the non production system and additional compensenating controls where needed to minimize the risk. The good thing is that they don't need critical authorizations in the production system and we can monitor the usage of the firefighter use in the production system.