I'm re-posting this question because the first time it was rejected and according to the Rules of Engagement, it seems it's because I did not post my photo, however, dear Moderator, if for any other reason, I mean not to be indecent, kindly let me know if there's anything violating the content rules.
I'm trying to control access to t-code AS02 using Asset Views (Auth. Object A_A_VIEW), so while looking around I noticed that this Object A_A_VIEW is present in other t-codes/roles assigned to some users.
My question is (pardon my basic terminology), if a I create a role that has a t-code with certain authorization values defined in its Authorization Objects, and assigned it to a user that has those Authorization Objects in his profile but from totally different t-codes in different roles, will the most explicit/resultant authorization take precedence in all the t-codes? or will the t-codes be accessed as per the authorization provided in their respective roles?