i want to learn what all these authorization objetcs stand for. 1,2,3,4... because each one asks a different report..
for example, lets talk about first one.
1) SUIM----> S_TCODE = SM36,Authorization Object 1: S_BTCH_ADM = Y; Authorization Object 2: S_BTCH_JOB = * for Job Operations and * for Summary of jobs for a group; Additional selection criteria – Unlocked users only
in this report. why does it ask this? what does it mean to to choose S_BTCH_ADM to Y ,S_BTCH_JOB, to * and choosing ..or Job Operations and * for Summary of jobs for a group; Additional selection criteria – Unlocked users only..
i wonder this. why is this report it important and what does it ask?
Thank you for your messages.