Hi people,
Im having some issues when it comes with locked clients, i recently created a Roadmap for a new Project in SOLMAN PRD.
I first used RMAUTH to create the project (when client was open, since its not in production yet) and then asigned a roadmap through SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN, and i didnt add any Variant or Roles, at this point you're able to view the project on RMMAIN.
I've been trying to edit other projects and it seems that the client its now locked, since it shows a warning about it, but when i try to do some customising on that new project i can actually add nodes or subnodes with locked client.
So my question is, Is there any way we can customize a project or roadmap with locked clients? there are some small customising that wont really need a transport at all, what does SAP suggest?, is there something wrong with my project?, because i can add and delete nodes from RMAUTH without any transport.
Thank you for the advice.