Rakesh Navandar wrote:
One HR Manager is synching his id with another user id and then going to the Proxy link to change the employee information for the another user as a proxy manager. Here The user is not able see the drop down to select and Action item to complete job.
The likelihood of the problem being in this part of the coding block and exchanges is very high.
You must consider that "drop downs" are also implemented from remote enabled search helps, and some user in some foreign system might now be subject to a new application authorization to display vendors etc which was not there before.
On EHP7 you can also use SU53 for non-SAPGui applications and get more results back than just the latest check. So run the errors, and then on the backend system check the trace and the Su53 for the connection user whether it can return the data.
Theory B is that the backend table of the dropdown has more records than what a dropdown supports, so a search help is needed but there is no search help passed to the BSP field.
Both are equally likely and cover 90% of EhP7 problems with such fields with remote search helps from the perspective of authorization problems which are "blamed" for the problem.