Hello Julius
I used it some time ago (that was the 'Z' versions of the reports, such as ZPFCG_ORGFIELD_CREATE, in a 46C system). If my memory service me correctly there were no transport requests generated for the USORG or USVAR tables). So we executed the program in each 'tier' of our landscape. This has been executed several times in our company. In general we do the following:
- Run the ORGFIELD program in the DEV system
- Adjust and check the authorization roles, including profile generation
- put all affected roles in a transport request (or multiple, depending on the number of affected roles)
- Run the ORGFIELD program in the QAS system
- Import the roles (Transport requests created in step 3).
- Verify/Test if the roles are set correctly and if the profiles are generated correctly (one verification step could be using the AGR_1251 and AGR_1252 tables)
- Run the ORGFIELD program in the PRD system
- Import the roles (Transport requests created in step 3).
- Verify if roles are imported correctly, including correct profile generation.
The USORG/USVAR tables are not transported, but 'cleaned up' in each tier of the landscape.
I hope this information helps