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Re: Object Check status in switchable authorizations


Very interesting experiment!


ABAP statements are in the end kernel functions and some of them protect their call stacks so that you can only call them from scenarios which are released and activated for your scenario.


You must use tcode SACF and then you must use the API.


You cannot hardcode it.


That the kernel now does not set sy-subrc = 0 for such tests is an interesting development though. At least you know that your code does not work if you only do a positive test..  :-)


Thank you for the experiment! I would probably have taken the bait myself sooner or later... :-)


ps: did you activate the SE80 exit or do you have a submit launch cockpit? In the later case, just convert the submits to call transaction and user Fm AUTHORITY_CHECK_TCODE before you call the tcode or start the report. You achieve the same and have the option to create "friends" via tcode SE97.




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