Hi Gorkan,
To reset password of user SAP* in ABAP stack on client 000, use this strategy:
We need to delete user ID SAP* in Client '000' at SQL level
For MS-SQL, you will use the SQL Management Studio and run a Query.
Use the following SQL:
Delete from <Schema>.USR02 where MANDT='000' and BNAME='SAP*'
For DB2:
logon as db2<adm>
db2 "select bname ,mandt from <schema>.usr02 where bname='SAP*'";
db2 "update <schema>.usr02 set bname="SAPSTAR" where bname='SAP*' and mandt='###'";
For Oracle:
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
To find the schema owner:
select OWNER from DBA_TABLES where TABLE_NAME='T000';
Then instead of deleting the SAP* user, you may rename the user.
update <SCHEMA>.USR02 set BNAME='SAP*<SOMETHING>' where BNAME='SAP*' and MANDT=<some client>;
Delete from <Schema>.USR02 where MANDT='000' and BNAME='SAP*';
<Schema> is one of these entries:
if system was originally installed with SAP Basis 4.x or below: SAPR3
if originally installed with SAP Basis 6.x (That is ERP 5): SAP[SID]
If originally installed with SAP Basis 7.x (That is ERP 6): SAPSR3
You then need to change the instance parameter:
'login/no_automatic_user_sapstar = 0' (Zero) and restart the system. You can then logon to client '000' with User SAP* and password 'PASS'.
IMPORTANT: You must create your user ID in client '000' and Recreate SAP* then change the instance parameter 'login/no_automatic_user_sapstar = 1' and restart the system.
If you want to change SAP* in clients other than 000, simply use the same procedure and adapt client number accordingly.