Hello forum, I found interesting to add that post on security forum to know your feedback,
Inspired about suggest new functionality for SAP Solution Manager (that idea is valid for any ABAP stack SAP system ) i think to add a new idea that sure that someone of you found interesting.
The Idea is that:
That's is my first contribution to new Ideas Place, every time that i need to check SAP Solution Manager Central Correction Notes i found that i got around 100 notes to download as a pre-requisite; that's is on Solution Manager but also happened on another areas like legal changes as 34x in spain.
Trough snote transaction it's possible to download all notes pre-requisites while implementing another note, but, what about the idea to add the option to download a huge list of notes in background to be able you to continue working in another session or leave computer and worry about if the laptop power off network connection due to inactivity ?
The Idea could be something like this:
1.- Download a single note like that one: ' target='_blank'>https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1817043">Note 1817043 - SAP Solution Manager - Basic functions 7.1 SP9
2.- When you implement that note you get that there is near to 200 sap noteas as pre-requisites.
3.- You will be promped to select 2 options: A.- Dowload 200 notes on background B.- Download in dialog.
4.- Select A to download all notes in background to the server and get notified trough mail when it finish ( you can go to download a caffe while download ;-) )
5.- Afetr you get notified, you can start to implement the note without lossing time on downloading pre-requisites in the implementation time of a central note.
That could be really interesting on SAP Solution Manager systems, but also in ERP and other systems when some functionallitys need a lot of pre-requisites for correction notes.
Idea Link:
What do you think ?