Dear experts ,
We have a landscape where we have Business one ,xrpm ,BO etc ssytem and have a role design where techincal role are separated from org roles (Enabler role concept ) which means when a user need roles he will be requesting for techincal role and the org based role for which company location he belongs .
I understand this security desing approach is debatable but i my question is different here .
Now in current landscape we are getting system performance issue . All the involved team (basis ,hardware etc ) have been asked to see how best system performance can be improved .
Me as part of security team have got same task and need to see if because of security design performance is effected .
I would like to take yuou input that what all need to be checked fro msecurity point of view for system performance .
I think role clean up will help a little bit but not much .Also we are running ST01 trace to see where tcode is taking more time ,
Kindly share your view /experince on this .
Kind regards