From your screenshots , I assume that you are using P_ORGIN in your design so no context solution has been invoked in your design.
Hence , ORGPD should have been switched on for enabling structural authorizations instead DFCON.
If perner 8 must have been isolated - not integerated in OM structure (default position), set the required value (1,2,3,4) for ORGPD and switch off DFCON.
Possible Values for ORGPD/ DFCON and their meaning
1 = Check access to Org Unit maintained in IT 0001 for persons not linked to the OM structure. if no values are maintained in IT 0001, deny authorization to the person.
2 = Do not check access to Org Unit maintained in IT 0001 for persons not linked to the OM structure. Deny access to all these persons.
3 = Check access to Org Unit maintained in IT 0001 for persons not linked to the OM structure. if no values are maintained in IT 0001, give authorization to the person.
4 = Do not check access to Org Unit maintained in IT 0001 for persons not linked to the OM structure. Give access to all these persons.