Sorry did not get the below comment.
"The maintain flag in the structural profile does not relate to any maintenance authorization in PA. It only affects the OM objects authorized by the structural profile. For example the user may be able to delimit a position. It will never grant any write authorization for any PA infotype "
Do you mean , suppose if we give Org unit and evaluation path like attached screen ,user will get access to only the ORG UNIT as its object type (can able to perform activities as mentioned in the role PLOG ) but cant perform any activity like address infotype change on the person (P) (as mentioned in P_ORGIN) who comes under the org unit mentioned in Structural profile ?
My understanding is that i believe user total auth is an intersection of general +structural authorization.lets take HR admin wanted to change 0002 data for some imps in org.We need to give access to that particular org to which the emps belongs to (through structural auth) and SHOULD CHECK the maintenance box in strucural auth and will access change access via role.
And user cant able to edit his own data.
Please find the Screens as requested. Please let me know if my understanding is correct or not ?