HI gurus.
Explain me please how should i solve my problem.
I have a cube with auth-relevant object 0AUTHGRP.
For example i have such values of 0AUTHGRP in cube:
I have a role with such characteristic:
When i execute query and choose 0AUTHGRP values in variable that equal 1601 i expect to see just 1601 values and i see just 1601, in trace its obvious:
Following set is checked: 0AUTHGRP = 1601
Comparison with following auth set: 0AUTHGRP = I CP 16*
But when i execute query and dont choose 0AUTHGRP (equals 0AUTHGRP = *) i expect to see all 1601, 1602, 1603 values, but i get error "unsifficient priveleges".
And the trace is:
Following set is checked: 0AUTHGRP = *
Comparison with following auth set: 0AUTHGRP = I CP 16*
Result = Partially or Fully Authorized
Ramaining set: 0REBUILDING = NOT 0AUTHGRP = 16%
then its trying to chek authorization for remaining set:
Following set is checked: 0AUTHGRP = 16%
Comparison with following auth set: 0AUTHGRP = I CP 16*
Not Authorized
Explain me please:
1. What does mean % symbol? It means everything besides 16*?
2. How can i get all 16* values with authorities for 16* if i dont choose 0AUTHGRP (equals to 0AUTHGRP = *)
3. Why doesnt it show me result that was partitially authorizied?
4. As i understand i ask BW for * values (A), but i have authorization just for 16* (B), so why doesnt it show me just values auth for wich i have? Why it tries to check A - B?
Thank you a lot!!!