Dear SMEs,
I have a requirement from client to restrict users access for couple of restricted and calculated key Figures - Margin, cost etc. All these key figures are defined as global.
Let's take an exmaple - all these global restricted and calcualted Keyfigures start with ZK*
and reports start with ZR*
Scenario 1)
I have not marked 0TCAKYFNM as authorization relevant
I have created Role
Role Name - ZTEST has auth Objects S_RS_COMP and S_RS_COMP1
S_RS_COMP has one instance for reports
where value for RSZCOMPTP = REP and RSZCOMPID = ZR* with 03 and 16 activity
S_RS_COMP as another instance for keyfigures
where value for RSZCOMPTP = RKF and CKF and RSZCOMPID = A* - ZJ* and ZL* - ZZ*
so I have given user display and execute access for ZR reports. Also I have given users access for key figures execept ZK*.
Result ->
What I see is, user is still able to see all restricted and calcualted key figures. Also I tried to inactive following instance of restricted and calcualated keyfigures, there is no change in result. Existance or non existance of this instance does not make any difference.
S_RS_COMP as another instance for keyfigures
where value for RSZCOMPTP = RKF and CKF and RSZCOMPID = A* - ZJ* and ZL* - ZZ*
Just wondering, why this object is not controlling RKF and CKF.
Please let me know if anybody has experience with this?
I have already gone through blog, this does not answer the question