I want to build my own JCo client and secure it using SNC. The client can connect without SNC, so the basic setup should be good.
I do have first of all a basic question how it is supposed to work: My understanding is I need to have a cred_v2 file which is used to access the PSE file I have. Further I assume that the cred_v2 file has to be located in the directory set via SECUDIR. I do have that. The big question is now how does the system find the PSE file? I can guess it looks as well into the directory SECUDIR, but the PSE file can have any name so that guess is only half the truth. How does the system find the PSE file I have created?
I do get this error:
ERROR | GSS-API(maj): No credentials were supplied |
GSS-API(min): SAPCRYPTO PSEDIR directory not found: |
Anyone an idea what might be wrong? Thanks!