Dear experts,
I am searching a lot in this Topic but I am not sure if it is possible and allowed by SAP to encrypt the communication between SAP GUI and AS ABAP using the commoncryptolib without SAP Netweaver Single-Sign-On. Important for me is encrypted communication and not the single sign on Feature. As far as possible the product should be without additional costs so I think commoncryptolib would be fine.
Can somebody give me a link to a tutorial how to configure SNC Client encryption between SAP GUI and AS ABAP (please not SAP help¤t_toc=/en/cd/a3937849b043509786c5b42171e5d3/plain.htm&node_id=132&show_children=true#jump132 )
I tried the SAP help Information and had Problems with the Active Directory Integration which is only described rudimentary).
Also in my Scenario I had multiple Domains in different Locations which cannot be integrated in trusted Domains. So a solution without active Directory would be fine. Is this possible?
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards, Basti