After an upgrade SAPKB73108 in our SAP development system, we have roles SAP_BC_WEBSERVICE_ADMIN* with the status "Current version not generated" (status for the generated authorization profile), and we can see that the profile has different authorizations than the ones defined for the role, for instance S_SRT_CF_C has ACTVT=03 for the role, but * for the profile. I'm not sure, but I guess these roles were previously correct i.e. the profiles were coherent, at least sometime in the past.
I think that we have to run the mass generation for "roles with profiles not current" (transaction SUPC) after an upgrade, but I can't find any documentation which confirms that. Could you confirm that and provide some reference documentations?
Thanks a lot!
PS: I couldn't find answers in the forum for words SPAM, post upgrade activities, profile generation, role, etc. Closest topics: