I was recently dealing with users that were able to access documents (t-code CV03N) via tcodes for viewing customer (FD, VD, XD03). They got there clicking Extras --> Documents in the upper bar of Display Customer screen. There is object C_DRAW_TCD which is primarily checked to access CV03N (visible in SU24) so after I removed this one, the access got restricted for these users. However they are still able to get to the first screen of CV03N, which is not a problem but leaves question for me, how is it possible. I though that the concept is:
1) t-code check if it exists
2) t-code check if it´s not blocked
3) t-code check if it´s in the user authorizations (object S_TCODE and field TCD)
In the tracing I found out this:
S_TCODE RC=0 reason=C;TCD=CV03N;type=TR;name=VD03;
When I was searching what reason C means I got into the SE97 t-code (unknown so far for me). Could someone please enlighten me how this t-code works? Do I have to add xD03 t-codes to the CV03N table (via SE97) in order to perform check nr. 3 as mentioned above?
And is there any table where I can found similar t-codes that are accessible "indirectly" via other transactions and where the S_TCODE is not needed in
user´s authorizations?
Hope my question is clear.
Thank you.