There is at least one use case in a productive environment where the solution (so far) was to develop an ECATT script to handle the work. This is related to credit card processing -- VCC1 as I recall.
Interactively, if there's an issue with a card authroization and it prevents processing a delivery or an order, the SAPGUI activity requires a search, returns a list of transactions, and then you have to select all, to tag the entries for release for a re-authorization, and then execute the release.
This is great if you only have a few transactions a day and not a large volume of orders/deliveries
generated via an external WebStore, or contain prodcuts that have a lead time beyond the credit card authorization horizon. of course, it also means someone has to execute this process manually via SAPGUI.
In our case, we want these re-authorization attempts to be automated -- as a result it was an ECATT script in production, as we could determine no other means in the standard system to search, select all, and release.
So -- while SAP cautions against this capability in production, there are some cases where you want to use the standard system-provided transactions, but in a way that SAP didn't account for. I am pretty certain there are other use cases, but this is the one we've had since 1998.
---- If anyone else has seen the same problem and has a different solution, we're all ears! ---