Hello Julian,
I have already replied in the support ticket that you have opened but I will paste the information also here to share it with the community.
The functionality for sending SMS messages works out-of-the box only with SMS gateway from SAP. In order to use a 3rd party SMS gateway you would need a policy script which implements the specific API of the 3rd party gateway. Attached are sample scripts which should help to implement your scenario. Here are the necessary steps to enable it:
- Create access policy "destination" with type "Library" using the attached "destination.txt" file
- Create access policy "sms" with type "Library" using the attached "sms.txt" file
- Set the global OTP policy using the attached "policy.txt" file.
3.Set the following settings in OTP Admin UI (/otpadmin)
- Unselect option "Send passcode by SMS" - that's not a typo, if this option is selected it will try to send the SMS using the standard functionality for SAP SMS Gateway, that's why this option should be UNselected
- Select option "Policy" in order to enable the execution of the script set at step 2
- Select valid "Destination Name" in section "SMS Gateway"
// Begin of destination.txt
function HttpDestination(name, logger) {
this.name = name;
this.logger = logger;
this.destination = com.sap.security.core.server.destinations.api.DestinationServiceLocator.getInstance().getDestination("HTTP", name);
HttpDestination.prototype.getUrlConnection = function (params) {
var url = this.destination.getUrl();
var urlConnection;
if (params) {
var newUrl = url.contains("?") ? url+"&"+params : url+"?"+params;
urlConnection = this.destination.getURLConnection();
} else {
urlConnection = this.destination.getURLConnection();
return urlConnection;
// End of destination.txt
// Begin of sms.txt
function SmsGateway (httpDestination, logger) {
this.httpDestination = httpDestination;
this.logger = logger;
SmsGateway.prototype.send = function (to, message) {
var params = "to=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(to, "UTF-8") + "&message=" + java.net.URLEncoder.encode(message, "UTF-8");
var urlConnection = this.httpDestination.getUrlConnection(params);
var is;
var responseCode;
try {
is = urlConnection.getInputStream();
var reader = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(is));
responseCode = reader.readLine();
} finally {
if (is) {
return responseCode;
// End of sms.txt
// Begin of policy.txt
#include "destination";
#include "sms";
function onFirstStageLogin(config, context, result) {
var logger = context.getLogger();
var user = context.getLoginInfo().getUser();
var cellPhoneNumber = user.getCellPhone();
var smsDestinationName = config.getProperty("sms.destination");
var smsMessageText = config.getProperty("sms.message.text");
if (cellPhoneNumber && smsDestinationName && smsMessageText) {
var httpDestination = new HttpDestination(smsDestinationName, logger);
var smsGateway = new SmsGateway(httpDestination, logger);
var passcode = result.setRandomPasscode(config.getProperty("sms.token.length"), config.getProperty("sms.token.validity"), config.getProperty("sms.max.failed.attempts"), "Passcode sent via SMS; enter the passcode to logon");
var message = smsMessageText.replace("[passcode]", passcode);
var responseCode = smsGateway.send(user.getCellPhone(), message);
if (responseCode != 100) {
logger.traceWarning("SMS gateway response code: " + responseCode);
result.abortLogin('Passcode cannot be sent via SMS; contact the system administrator');
} else {
result.abortLogin('Passcode cannot be sent via SMS; contact the system administrator');
// End of policy.txt