Hi Jajah
- Step 1 - don't use the object in Production - at least not for end users
- Ignore any SU53/STAUTHTRACE/ST01 output that shows a failure on this object
- Step 2 - discuss with your solution architect how ALV Global Variants should be managed
- Are you allowing direct updates in Production?
- Are you transporting from Development instead?
- Step 3 - decide if you want users creating their own local/user specific ALV variants
- Step 4 - read up on objects S_ALV_LAYR and F_IT_ALV
This is an example of cross-functional access. Like background job access, there should be a policy that you build and restrict access to. If not, you end up with situation where users ring the service desk complaining each day that someone keeps changing their layout or a program fails to run as the default layout has been altered or removed.