Hi Brent,
Thank you so much for your alternate approach. I just finished doing a quick test and it seems to do exactly what I want.
You sir have made my day
This is what I did:
method IF_EX_HRBAS00_GET_PROFL~GET_T77PR_TAB. DATA: profl_all TYPE hrprofl, t77pr_wa TYPE t77pr. CASE sy-tcode. WHEN 'IW51' OR 'CATS_DA' OR 'CAT3'. profl_all = 'ALL'. SELECT * FROM t77pr INTO t77pr_wa WHERE profl = profl_all. APPEND t77pr_wa TO t77pr_tab. ENDSELECT. ENDCASE. endmethod.
BTW, I don't think the DATA declaration for profl_all is really necessary.
Thank you very much for this!