we've upgraded our SAP ERP backend from ERP 6.05 on NW7.02 to ERP 6.07 on NW7.4. And we have NW Portal 7.02 connected to it for ESS/MSS scenarios. Since we do not wish to migrate to the new Java based ESS/MSS we have not upgraded the portal to NW7.4
Apparently, from 7.30 onwards the SAP ABAP backend issues an SAP Assertion Ticket even when the login/create_sso2_ticket = 0. The problem is that this ticket / cookie is not deleted from the browser (it looks like SAP_SESSIONID_SID_CLNT) so when a users logs off from the portal and logs in as a new user the backend connection is created using the already existing ticket!
Two questions as I can't seem to find the answer yet:
1. how can we prevent from the SAP Assertion Ticket even being created
2. if we can't prevent this, how can we make sure it is deleted during the portal log off (similar to the MYSAPSSO2 ticket/cookie)
Much obliged
Marcel Rabe