We are in the process of upgrading our BO system and I believe it is since we started with our upgrade that we are getting the following dump:CALL_FUNCTION_SIGNON_INCOMPL and the error analysis is:The logon data for the user " " is incomplete.
And this is the server side calling information:
Information on caller of Remote Function Call (RFC):
System.............. "########"
Installation Number. "##########"
Database Release.... 720
Kernel Release...... 720
Connection Type..... "E" (2=R/2, 3=ABAP System, E=Ext., R=Reg.
Call Type........... "synchronous and non-transactional (emode
Inbound TID.........." "
Inbound Queue Name..." "
Outbound TID........." "
Outbound Queue Name.." "
Client.............. "###"
User................ "############"
Transaction......... " "
Call Program........."WIReport"
Function Module..... "RFCPING"
Call Destination.... "<unknown>"
Source Server....... "BOPRODZONE"
Source IP Address... ""
But there are no publications scheduled in 11.165 so what exactly is happening?