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SPAD, S_ADMI_FCD , multi-mandant, multi-operator groups




My goal is to delegate the printers management to groups of operators. These groups of operators can manage (create/update/delete) only the printers associated with their client respective.


To realize this, I take each printers that I associate in the respective mandt/client of each company (SPAD-> client).


In the SAP help it is mentioned regarding the spool administration that the authorization object S_ADMI_FCD can take two values:


Spool Administration


Authorization for spool administration is controlled in two groups of authorization values. You require authorizations from both groups to execute spool administration. 


These groups are:


Client authorizations

  o          SPAD: Authorization for spool administration in all clients

  o          SPAR: Authorization for client-dependent spool administration


I created a role for my test (PFCG) that contains SPAD transaction in the menu, I then go into the authorizations and I remove the "SPAD" value to leave only SPAR in S_ADMI_FCD.



Maint.:         0  Unmaint. org. levels           0  open fields,   Status: generated

ZM_TEST_SPAD                        ZM_TEST_SPAD
  |--        Standard   Cross-application Authorization Objects                      AAAB
  |   |
  |   ---              Standard   Transaction Code Check at Transaction Start                  S_TCODE
  |       |
  |       ---           Standard   Contrôle code de transaction lors du lancement transaction   T-S971006200
  |           |
  |           ------   Transaction Code               SPAD                                                                        TCD
  ---        Maintained Basis: Administration                                        BC_A
      |--              Standard   System Authorizations                                        S_ADMI_FCD
      |   |
      |   ---           Standard   Autorisations système                                        T-S971006200
      |       |
      |       ------      System administration function SPAA, SPAB, SPAC, SPAM, SPAR, SPTD, SPTR                                    S_ADMI_FCD
      |--              Maintained Spool: Actions                                               S_SPO_ACT
      |   |
      |   ---           Maintained Spool : actions                                              T-S971006200
      |       |
      |       |-----      Authorization field for spool  ATTR, AUTH, BASE, DELE, DISP, PRNT, REDI, REPR                              SPOACTION
      |       ------      Value for authorization check  *                                                                           SPOAUTH
      |--              Standard   Spool: Device authorizations                                 S_SPO_DEV
      |   |
      |   ---           Standard   Spool : autorisations pour périphériques                     T-S971006200
      |       |
      |       ------      Spool: Long device names       *                                                                           SPODEVICE
      ---              Standard   Spool: Restriction on Maximum Number of Pages                S_SPO_PAGE
          ---           Standard   Spool : limitation du nombre maximal de pages                T-S971006200
              |-----      Spool: Long device names       *                                                                           SPODEVICE
              ------      Spool: Page number of a reques *



I create a new 'operator' user in one mandt/client and I associate him this role.


I connect me in this operator, I execute the SPAD, I open one of these printers I had associated to this client.


I am in display mode!


I can't switch to edition and can edit only the printers associate in this mandt/client?


Could you help me understand what am I doing wrong?


Best regards



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